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11 September 2008

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- Tier1 CPM = $1.50 (N Lev.) | 1.80 (S Lev.) | 2.10 (G Lev.)
- Tier2 CPM = $0.25 (N Lev.) | 0.27 (S Lev.) | 0.30 (G Lev.)

* Referral Levels Of Commission and Joining Bonus
- Level 1 - 15% (This rate will be set to 10% from October)
- Joining Bonus - $0.5 (The Joining Bonus will be removed from October)

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10 September 2008

Ramadhan the month was full of the blessing

Ramadhan was the noble month that was yearned for by Moslems in the world. In Ramadhan, many enjoyment and the blessing that were promised by Allah SWT.

Unlike in the other month, in Ramadhan all Moslems raced to increase the receipt of the religious duties good deed as hereafter provisions later.

They in great numbers to the mosque to fulfil religious duties tarawih, in fact some Muslim group spent time tonight to tadarus until before ate the predawn meal

In Ramadhan, Moslems also were convinced the Lailatul Qodr existence that was mentioned the night 1000 months. The night that was full of the blessing and the reward that if each kind of Muslim got this night then heaven was the place for them beside Allah. Really beautiful indeed Ramadhan, really was the month that was full of the blessing, the blessing and the guidance that could not be said with words. Congratulations undertook the fast in Ramadhan , may our reward be accepted by Allah.. amen
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07 September 2008

Windows Media Player 12 2008

2uqeozl RAR | 30.5MB | Windows Media Player 12 2008

Wndows Media Player 12 Release 2008

Windows Media Player (WMP) is a digital media player and media library application developed by Microsoft that is used for playing audio, video and viewing images on personal computers running the Microsoft Windows operating system, as well as on Pocket PC and Windows Mobile-based devices. Editions of Windows Media Player were also released for Mac OS, Mac OS X and Solaris but development of these has since been discontinued.


Download : here

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